Dominant Culture & Societal Norms in Middle School
In my school, we have started to engage in professional development about societal norms and how that shapes the dominant culture in our society (and our schools). Societal norms are the informal and (mostly) unspoken expectations of what is acceptable in a certain community. The dominant culture decides the norms that are widely accepted across a community, even if it conflicts with those norms of a marginalized group. We are all a part of a dominant culture in one way or another, and may or may not be a part of a marginalized group at times as well. While there is still so much for me to learn, I’ve had this Vlog sitting in the top of my mind since I watched it. Students come to school with many norms that have been set for themselves through their different contexts (home, family, friends, extra-curricular activities, church, etc.). Their norms are shaped by the people they love, their culture and their lived experiences. In school, we a...